Inspired by the Latin term Arabia Felix ('rich with opportunity'), our name reflects the strong conviction we hold in Dubai and the entire United Arab Emirates.

Dubai, as seen by locals.

We are a team of accomplished real estate professionals that partner with investors seeking exposure to Dubai - one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving global cities.

Experienced practitioners, we develop high conviction ideas, curate quality deal flow and help navigate market intricacies, bypassing an otherwise steep and costly learning curve.

Core focus.

Specialists in opportunistic and value-add strategies, we target real estate assets requiring development, refurbishment and/or repositioning to obtain maximal value.

Outcome aligned.

We are buy-side advisors acting only for our clients, complementing in-house teams or as an outsourced end-to-end solution.

Far from transaction-centric, our relationships are aligned for the long-term, through bespoke, deliverable based incentives.

How we define our edge.

Our team has the insight, knowledge and trusted network developed over many years and multiple transactions.

Time in the market

We have been active participants since foreigners have been permitted to own real estate, with experience across all major real estate asset classes.

Deal Seasoned Team

Our team is made of buy and sell-side practitioners with a track record over the development life cycle, from pre-acquisition DD to sales and operations.

Reliable Information

Time is our most valuable commodity - we never want to waste yours. Our high quality deal flow is sourced from reputable intermediaries or principals.

How we view transactions.

A process-driven approach to due diligence has served us very well across multiple market cycles.

Timely transaction data and advanced analytics enhance the quality of our market intelligence, but our core principles remain unchanged.

Real estate is still a cyclical business.

We believe consistent long-term returns are a byproduct of avoiding big mistakes.

Our approach to identifying pitfalls is careful due diligence and adjusting the type of deals pursued at various points in the market cycle.

Asymmetric payoffs.
Downside > Upside.

We take great care to identify transactions that have payoff profiles with greater upside than downside potential on a risk adjusted basis.

Risk is assessed numerically and through the lens of transactional experience, arguably the more important of the two.

Real estate is illiquid, and in our view actively managing downside risk is more important than focusing solely on forecast profits.

Every market offers opportunities.

Our role is simply to source, assess and execute each transaction to the best of our ability.

Introducing Felix

Felix is a partnership between a core team enhanced by a network of handpicked and specialised affiliates. Our team and expert collaborators add tangible value through uniquely qualified perspectives and experience.

This collaborative approach allows us to leverage a richer pool of qualified deal flow, garner new insights, and access a broad array of expertise, enhancing deal quality, analysis and execution, improving outcomes for all.

By fostering a cross-pollination of ideas, we continuously improve our knowledge and elevate our market intelligence, making us more agile and effective in capturing and creating transactions as opportunities arise.

Whether you're a client benefiting from our multidisciplinary approach or a potential collaborator, we stand for creating meaningful partnerships that drive value and unlock greater potential together.

Ali Hossain
Managing Partner

Ali has played a key role in launching 12,000 homes at a GDV in excess of $7 billion across Dubai and Abu Dhabi and has managed both value-add and opportunistic transactions across major global cities (UK/EU/US).

He holds several globally recognised, industry-leading qualifications; he is a Chartered Valuation Surveyor (MRICS) and CAIA & CFA Charterholder. He attended the PMD at IESE Business School on a scholarship and has an undergraduate degree from the Singapore Institute of Management in association with the LSE.